50 Microsoft Access Shortcut Keys You Must Know

Microsoft Access Shortcut Keys: If you’re a database manager working with Microsoft Access then you must know these regularly used Microsoft Access Shortcut Keys that will be very useful to you.

Here below are the most useful Microsoft Office Access keyboard shortcut keys list all you must know. In this list, the ‘+’ sign indicates you have to press those two or three keys together. For more applications shortcut keys list see our keyboard shortcut label.

microsoft access shortcut keys

Let’s see…

Microsoft Access Shortcut Keys You Must Know!

Shortcut Keys Description
Ctrl + N Create a new database.
Ctrl + O Open an existing database.
Alt + N Create a new database.
Alt + O Open database object.
Ctrl + S Save a database object.
Ctrl + P Print the current/selected database object.
Ctrl + C Copy the selected object.
Ctrl + V Paste the cut/copied object.
Ctrl + X Cut the selected object.
Delete Delete an object.
Ctrl + Plus sign (+) Add a new record.
Ctrl + Minus sign (-) Delete the current record.
Ctrl + Semicolon (;) Insert the current date.
Ctrl + Shift + Colon (:) Insert the current time.
Ctrl + Alt + Spacebar Insert the default value for a field.
Ctrl + Apostrophe (‘) Insert the value from the same field in the previous record.
Ctrl + A Select all records.
Esc Undo changes made to the current field/record.
Tab Next field.
Shift + Tab Previous field.
Page Down Next screen.
Page Up Previous Screen.
Ctrl + Up arrow First record.
Ctrl + Down arrow Last record.
Down arrow Next record.
Up arrow Previous record.
Alt + D Open a database object in the design view.
Alt + Enter Display a property sheet in the design view.
Alt + V + P Opens property sheet for the selected object in design view.
Ctrl + B Bold letters.
Ctrl + I Italic letters.
Ctrl + U Underline letters.
Ctrl + F Find text.
Ctrl + H Replace text.
F5 Refresh.
F2 Rename
Ctrl + A Select all
Ctrl + Y Redo the last Action
Ctrl + W Close the active window.
F1 It opens Microsoft Access help.
Ctrl + Shift + A Sort selected data in ascending order.
Ctrl + Shift + Z Sort select data in descending order.
F7 Check spelling.

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